Jul 24 2023
Reasons There’s Blood in My Pet’s Stool
Your pet's stools can be an important indicator of their health. While we may not always want to observe our pets' stools, paying attention to changes in their digestion can... -
Jul 03 2023
Reasons my dog is eating grass
Eating grass is a relatively common dog behavior. More than 60% of dog owners have reported their pets eating grass and some may do it as often as weekly. While... -
Jun 19 2023
What Should You Do if Your Pet Eats Something Toxic?
Pets can sometimes eat foods or other things lying around that they shouldn’t. While in some cases the accidental ingestion of something other than their food isn’t cause for concern. -
Jun 05 2023
Reasons My Pet Is Scratching Their Ears
Pets can scratch their ears for a variety of reasons. In most cases, scratching behaviors are normal and usually occur as a response from an outside source. -
May 22 2023
Reasons My Pet Is Gaining Weight
Weight gain can occur in pets just like it can in humans. Some causes of weight gain could simply be fixed by lifestyle adjustments. -
May 08 2023
What Should You Do if Your Dog Eats Tylenol?
Tylenol can be a great over-the-counter tool for humans when we have headaches or any other kind of pain that needs to be managed. -
Apr 03 2023
Hearing your pet cough can be concerning. However, depending on the cause of your animal’s cough that is not always the case. -
Mar 20 2023
Why Is My Pet Sneezing?
Sneezing can be anything from a simple form of communication or an allergic reaction. Learn why your pet may be sneezing. -
Mar 06 2023
What Should You Do if Your Dog Eats Grapes?
Grapes have puzzled many veterinarians due to their individual level of toxicity for dogs. -
Feb 20 2023
Reasons My Dog Is Eating Poop
Learn why your dog might be eating poop and what to do about it. Some reasons are normal while others as a sign of a problem.