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The Benefits of Spaying or Neutering Your Pet

If you are considering getting a pet, it is crucial to think about spaying or neutering them. There are many benefits to doing so, and it is important to consider these benefits before making a decision. All pets benefit from spaying and neutering, and the importance of this procedure should be understood by all pet owners.

Benefit #1: Your Pet Will Live a Longer, Healthier Life

Spaying and neutering pets helps to reduce illness which can be both expensive to treat and often fatal. Pets often face mammary gland tumors, prostate disease, or testicular cancer when they reach adulthood if they have not been spayed or neutered early in life. The importance of protecting an animal from these serious conditions cannot be overstated.

Benefit #2: Your Pet Is Less Likely to Roam

Unneutered dogs that roam are more likely to be hit by cars, be exposed to infectious diseases that could kill them, and become aggressive. Unneutered cats that roam are also more likely to fight and pick up diseases. While you may try to keep your pet inside, if they aren’t fixed they will be more likely to get out of your house or yard and roam. Neutering helps to curb this behavior.

Benefit #3: Your Pet Will Display Fewer Unwanted Behaviors

Next comes behavioral benefits associated with spaying and neutering pets. Many animals act differently once they have reached sexual maturity. Spaying or neutering your pet before puberty prevents them from displaying these behaviors around the time of sexual maturity, sparing you and your family any behaviors you do not want to deal with.

Benefit #4: You’ll Have Fewer Costs Associated With an Unaltered Pet

It costs money to spay or neuter your pet, but it is a one-time cost. Once you have paid the initial bill of altering your pet, you will not have to deal with the added costs of having an unaltered pet. This is a particularly important point for those who are on a budget or who already have enough financial stress in their lives.

Benefit #5: Female Pets Won’t Experience Heat Cycles

If your female pet is spayed, you will never have to worry about her going into heat or dealing with the messy clean-up that comes with this. It may also help to keep her from attracting the attention of male pets in the neighborhood, which can be both annoying and dangerous for them.

Benefit #6: Eliminate the Risk of an Unwanted Litter

Spaying and neutering pets is important for population control. There are many abandoned animals that need a home, and it is up to pet owners to make sure their pets do not breed. While a litter of puppies or kittens can be cute additions, you should avoid situations that will result in new furry family members being brought into the home without careful consideration. Even if you would happily take in kittens or puppies from your pet’s unexpected litter, you should consider that the average litter size for cats and dogs is four and six respectively. That’s a lot of new mouths to feed and can get pricey quickly.

Benefit #7: Decreases Aggressive Behaviors

Having your pet fixed helps to decrease aggressive behaviors such as biting. It’s important to tackle good behavior early on with your pet through proper training, but fixing your pet will help to ensure these aggressive behaviors don’t start in the first place.
Scheduling Your Pet’s Neuter or Spay Appointment
Spaying and neutering your pet can help to keep them healthier and happier. It is important to spay or neuter your pet before they reach sexual maturity, as this will prevent them from displaying any negative behaviors associated with sexual maturity, such as aggression or heat cycles.


Puppies under a blanket together

What is the difference between spaying and neutering?

Spaying is the act of surgically removing your pet’s uterus and ovaries. Neutering is the act of surgically removing their testicles.

Will spaying or neutering my pet change their personality?

No, your pet will not act differently after they are altered. There are other benefits to spaying or neutering your pet besides behavioral changes, such as health benefits.

When should you spay or neuter your pet?

Cats should be spayed or neutered when they are four to six months old. Dogs should be spayed or neutered when they are four to six months old.

Does pet insurance cover neutering and spaying your pet?

Yes, most pet insurance companies cover the costs of any procedures that help to keep your pet healthy and safe. Be sure to check with your pet insurance company to see if they cover spaying and neutering.

Ready to Neuter or Spay Your Pet?

Contact us to schedule an appointment.

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Author drphillipsah

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